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"The original founder of Wario's Cafe and Wario's Fast Food Factory, his dream was mostly just for the sake of riches. He was stabbed to death after witnessing the death of his friends. He was then posessed and brought back to life, where he roamed the factory for years, probably wondering how to get more money."
-Extras Menu

Wario's appearance seen in Return to the Factory 2.
Wario is the main antagonist of Five Nights at Wario's: Return to the Factory. He is active starting Night 1. He attacks through the left door.
Wario has muscular arms, a large belly, pointed ears, a large pink nose, a zig-zag mustache and a large sqaure-shaped mouth. He wears a yellow shirt with purple overalls, a hat with a W on it, white gloves with the W symbol, and pointed green shoes.
After the events of RTTF1, his facial skin was burnt off, leaving nothing but his skull. His left arm also had its skin burnt off, revealing hsi bones. Unlike the first game, Wario has black eyes with purple pupils. His color is also more faded, and there are stains on his clothes and hat, presumable from when his face was burnt off.

Wario is first seen on Night 1 when the player is forced to hide in the Entrance. He is active if the player decides to hide in these rooms:
- CELLAR (12AM - 2AM, and 4AM - 6AM)
ENTRANCE (Night 1)
He starts by entering the Bedroom. Unlike most nights, his path is five rooms long:
Bedroom > Hallway > Kitchen > Parlor > Entrance
Upon entering the Entrance, He will pop up on the left side of the room. Look to the right and DO NOT use the camera until he is gone. He makes footstep sounds when he leaves, although this sound is faint. He leaves after around 4 seconds.
BATHROOM (Night 2)
He starts by entering the Entrance. His path is four rooms long:
Entrance > Dining Room > Hallway > Bathroom
Upon entering the Bathroom, His shadow will be seen behind the curtain on the window. The player must turn on COLD water to make Wario go away. The player cannot shut off the water until he's gone.
If you neglect to turn on the water, shut it off while he's still at the window, or the water is not cold (the meter is on or above the line) after 4-5 seconds, he will kill the player.
If he leaves from the door (you have to keep the left door shut for a certain amount of time), he can retreat to the Lobby, the Eatery, the Factory Hall, the Storage Unit, or the Middle Hall.
If you fail to shut the door for long enough, the left control buttons will break. This means Wario has snuck into the Office. If you pull up the camera or wait long enough, Wario will kill the player, resulting in the player having to start the night over again.
Alternatively, if the player drains all of the building's power, the lights will cut and the Office will become dark. Eventually, Wario will come and his face will flash at the left door for a random amount of time. The room will then cut to pitch black, where Wario will eventually kill the player, unless the player reached 6AM during this process.

Screenshot of Wario in the Middle Hall.

Screenshot of Wario in the Storage Unit

Screenshot of Wario at the left door

Wario's first design featured a second set of teeth. This was seen in the Unused Content section in the early image, and the early office.
Ambiance plays when Wario is seen in the Lobby in Night 1. This doesn't happen on any other night.
Wario also has special ambience cues for the Storage Unit and the Office Hall on Night 1.
Wario, much like Waluigi and Luigi, can "leave" the building from the Lobby. While away from the building, he can change the path he decides to take.
Wario was planned to run down the Office Hall at random and appear at the left door instantly. This was scrapped from the final game.
Wario has multiple scratches on the top of his hat. They are barely visible, however they can be seen easily when Wario is twitching on the title screen.
Wario had multiple scrapped title screen animations.
Wario had a scrapped jumpscare that resembed his jumpscare from the original Five Nights at Wario's.
Wario is the only character to enter through the left door.
Wario, like Waluigi and Luigi, backtracks less often starting Night 4.
Wario's laugh when the room is cut to black came from Five Nights at Wario's: Origins.
Wario kills the phone guy on Night 6.
Wario is also the one who speaks after the phone guy dies. If you reverse the audio, he says "I was in that office 7 years ago", a callback to Night 0 during the opening of the game.
In 1988, Wario opened Wario's Cafe, a small shop made to produce and sell hamburgers Wario had made. He ran the cafe along with Waluigi. Thanks to the success of their cafe and their great-tasting burgers, Wario and Waluigi were able to build a massive fast food factory with the large amount of money they had made.
On October 21st, 2004, Wario officially opened his fast food factory. Along with Waluigi and Wario, Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach were hired to work at the factory, with Luigi running the machines, Peach inspecting the factory, and Mario as a technician.
Things were going good. However, one night, someone broke into the factory and disguised themself with the Wario Man costume in the back room. Wario, on guard duty, noticed the costume moving through the cameras. The man, named Bruno Gate, confronted Wario for the recipe. During the threat, Waluigi, Mario, Peach, and Luigi entered the factory. Bruno Gate, now cornered, struck and murdered Waluigi, Peach, Luigi, and Mario. Wario, traumatized by the events, soon died thanks to Bruno Gate.
As Bruno was searching for the recipe, Wario along with his friends were brought back to life by their cursed souls. Now seeking vengence and murder, Wario killed Bruno Gate.
7 years passed, and Richard McRoy was hired as a guard for the now reopened Wario's Factory. As Richard progressed through the week, Wario along with his friends appeared in the cameras, and threatened to kill him.

Wario while he was still alive.
Footsteps 1
Wario moving to a different room.
Footsteps 2
Wario moving to a different room.

Ambiance when Wario is seen in the Lobby on Night 1, or the Office Hall on Night 2 and onwards.
Ambiance when Wario is seen in the Storage Unit in the darkness on Night 1, or in the Eatery on Nights 2 and 3.
Ambiance when Wario is seen in the Office Hall on Night 1.
Jumpscare 1
LOUD!! Wario at the left door.
Wario Audio

Wario laughing in a room that is Audio Only.
Scary Scream
LOUD!! Wario attacking the player.
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