Night 6 is the sixth night in the main game. All characters are more aggressive than they were on Night 5.
No new characters or mechanics are introduced on this night.

You don't need to change your strategy this night, all you need is more focus. Nothing new is introduced, so you can keep your remaining strategies, you just need to react faster to compete against the faster enemies.
On this night, Richard calls the phone guy himself, instead of the other way around. This is proven by the dialtone and how the phone guy reacts to the call.
Wario mentions how he was in that office "7 years ago", a reference to the events of Night 0.
This night has the same ambience as Night 0.

Hello? Who’s this? WHAT? Why are you there tonight?! Aw crap, I forgot to tell you. I told you to not go there last night...well that’s because the factory is closed… and there’s no one to open the doors for you!..you’re trapped!!.........well…...really? You want me to?...very well then. I’m on my way there................................................ Well, here it is, and….what the..AAHH!! AHHH!! OH MY GOD, THEY WERE RIGHT!! IT’S WA--- *static* Don’t think you’re so safe...we know where you are...we’ve KNOWN where you are...I was in that office seven years ago...when you did what you did to us! ..haha, now it’s OUR turn. We’ll find you, we’ll locate you, we’ll hunt you down!! You stand no chance!! Soon we’ll end your game, and you’ll become...ONE OF US!!
Richard was unable to escape the factory during the day after Night 6, because the doors and windows were locked. He was too traumatized to call anyone, worrying Wario would kill anyone who enters from the other side. Because of this, he has to stay another night at the factory, which leads directly to Night 7