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"Taking interest in Wario and Waluigi's factory, he applied for a job there, and was amazed by the the two's factory. Despite being scared of the machines at first, he was a major contributor to the factory. He was tragically hung by the neck. He came back to life now being afraid of almost anything, even light itself."
-Extras Menu

Luigi posessed. This is his main appearance for the majority of the game.
Luigi is an antagonist of Five Nights at Wario's: Return to the Factory. He is active starting Night 2. He attacks through the middle hallway.
Luigi resembles his older brother Mario, but is slightly taller. He also has a different mustache. He wears blue overalls, a green shirt, a green L hat, white gloves, and brown shoes.
After Luigi was possessed by his cursed soul, his clothes gathered dirt stains from wandering around the factory. His nose is much longer than it used to be, and his eyes turned black. While he has no visible pupils on camera, when he attacks from the middle hall, he is seen with freaky, human eyeball-like pupils.
Luigi first becomes active on Night 2. His speed increases more and more as the nights go on. Similar to Wario, he can take one of two paths to the middle hall.
Luigi has the option of either taking the left path (Backdoor, Machinery, Factory Hall, Middle Hall) or the right path (Backdoor, Control Room, Control Room (closer), Middle Hall).
Which path he decides to chooses is random.
After moving forward from the Factory Hall or the Control Room, Luigi will be standing in the middle hall. The player must turn on the middle hall light by repeatedly clicking on it until it turns on. Leave the light on for about 3 seconds for Luigi to run away. If you pull up the camera or click the light switch again before Luigi runs away, the light will turn off, and you'll have to use it on him again to prevent Luigi from causing a Game Over.
While the amount of times you need to click the light is random, it is guaranteed to be more than 5 clicks.
You can also prepare ahead of time before Luigi shows up. You can click the light 5 times in preparation, and when you think Luigi is in the hall, you'll only have to click the light 1-4 times instead of 6-9.
If he leaves from the hall, he can retreat to the Backdoor, Control Room, Machinery, or outside the factory entirely.
If you fail to turn on the light (or leave it on for long enough), Luigi will immediately jump from the hallway and kill the player, resulting in a Game Over.

Screenshot of Luigi in the Control Room (closer).

Screenshot of Luigi in the Factory Hall.

Screenshot of Luigi in the Middle Hall.

Luigi is the only character to attack from the Middle Hall, but is NOT the only character to enter the middle hall (Wario and Waluigi enter it as well).
Luigi, along with Peach, are the only two characters to receive major changes to their designs.
His sound effect when he is in a room that is Audio Only comes from Five Nights at Wario's 3. Return to the Factory 2 would later use this clip, but at a lower pitch and a reverb.
Luigi took the longest out of the characters to implement into the game.
Luigi acts similarly to Withered Foxy from FNAF2, entering a hall and fended off with a light, however the defense is a flickering hall light, not a flashlight beam.
Luigi is the only main night character to move twice in the same room (Control Room). Wario Man does this as well, but is not seen in the main nights.
Luigi was originally not planned to have the human-like eyes. They were added during Night 2's development.
Luigi has up to 3 poses he can use in the middle hall. This is the most out of any character, as all characters either have 1 or 2 on camera.
Luigi, similar to FNAW1, can be seen hanging in a hallway on camera.
When Wario's Factory opened, Luigi wanted a job, so he was hired to work with the machines in the factory. Later, Mario would be hired to help Luigi and also work in the Control Room managing the tech.
Luigi was cowardly at first, not liking the machine's loud noise. Despite this, he eventually built up his confidence and got better at his job. He was "a major contributor to the factory", as he helped silence the machines and make them produce hamburger ingredients faster and faster.
One night, he along with Waluigi, Peach, and Mario entered the factory during the night, to find Wario being threatened by Bruno Gate in the Wario Man costume. Bruno Gate eventually kills Luigi by hanging him by the neck.
His cursed soul eventually came and possessed his dead body, much like the others' bodies.
After 7 years, Richard McRoy would be hired has the nightguard at Wario's Fast Food Factory. Luigi, along with his friends, would try to hunt down and kill him.

Luigi while he was still alive.
Footsteps 2

Luigi moving to a different room.
Luigi moving to a different room.
Ambience when Luigi is encountered in the Middle Hall.

Ambience when Luigi is encountered in the Middle Hall for the first time on Night 2.
Luigi Audio
Luigi moaning in a room that is Audio Only.
Luigi opening a door.
Luigi opening a door.
Ambience when Luigi stares into the camera in the Control Room.
Ambience when Luigi is seen in the Backdoor on Night 2.
Ambience when Luigi is seen in the Backdoor on Night 3 onwards.
Ambience when Luigi is seen in the Machinery standing on the conveyor belt.
Ambience when Luigi is seen hanging in the Factory Hall.
Scary Scream
LOUD!! Luigi attacking the player.
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