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The Eatery is a small, brightly-lit room that acts as a cafeteria or a taste-test room. It is located on the top left of the map.

The Eatery is a small room with brick walls and tons of lights. The room is filled with tables and stacked chairs. There are counters visible on the left and the right. There is an open space in the center of the room.
Wario and Peach can be seen in this room during gameplay. Wario Man can be seen here on Night 0.
This is Wario's second room in his left path to the Office. He can appear here after either moving forward from the Lobby (if he chooses to take the left path), or backtracking from the Storage Unit.
This is Wario Man's second room in his left path. He enters here after moving forward from the Lobby, or backtracking from the Storage Unit.
Peach has a 1/9 chance of appearing in this room when she enters the factory. Play the music on CAM 5 if you see her in the Eatery.
-Waluigi was planned to enter the Eatery very early in development. This was scrapped.
-The door was not part of the original image. It was edited into the room for the game.
-One of Wario's poses in the Eatery is similar to one of Spirit Wario's poses in FNAW: Origins.

CAM: 5
CHARACTERS: Wario, Peach, Wario Man

Original unmodified Eatery
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