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The Backdoor is one of the entrances to Wario's Fast Food Factory. It is located on the top right of the map.

The Backdoor is a small corridor with a large door on the left that leads to a larger room in the far distance. The door is wide open, revealing an almost pitch-black room. Graffiti can be seen on the walls.
Luigi and Peach can be seen in this room during gameplay. Wario Man can be seen here on Night 0.
Much like Wario and Waluigi in the Lobby, Luigi's first room on his path(s) to the office is the Backdoor, so his first move every night will always take him to the Backdoor.
Wario Man is seen here after entering the building, if he chooses to go to his right path.
Peach has a 1/9 chance of appearing in this room. If you see her in the room, play the music on CAM 2 until she leaves.
-The Backdoor originated from a YouTube video, unlike the rest of the rooms, which originate from Google Images.
-The link to the video is: (the Backdoor is seen around 1:57)
-Peach has an unused pose in this room where she is seen walking away from the camera.
-This room acts like Entrance 2 from the original Five Nights at Wario's.

CAM: 2
CHARACTERS: Luigi, Peach, Wario Man

Screenshot of what the original unmodified Backdoor might have looked like. This screenshot is from a YouTube video.
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